Our Thinking
Staying informed about changes in the law and current legal issues is sometimes challenging. That's why our team of attorneys provides you with the thought leadership you need to stay ahead of the game. From emerging trends to complex regulatory developments, we offer the following insights into a wide range of legal topics and issues.

How Do You Prevent Your Church From Being Sued?
The simple answer is that you can’t. There is nothing you can do to make your church immune from suit. (The same is true for your business and yourself.) However, there are steps you can take to make your church safer. And, ultimately, that is the more important goal. The good news is that the safer your church is, the less likely it is to be sued successfully. Here are four basic steps to a safer church.

What Type Of Damages Are Available In A Wisconsin Personal Injury Claim?
People who have never been involved in an accident case often do not understand what they are able to recover in a lawsuit. I am often asked if it is worth it to pursue a case. The purpose of this post is to explain what an injured person may be entitled to in a personal injury lawsuit to help injured people evaluate whether to pursue a lawsuit.

Arizona Dog Bite Law
Dogs are one of the most popular and beloved pets in Arizona. There are countless businesses that cater to dogs or allow dogs at their place of business. It is not uncommon to see dogs with their owners at restaurants or other businesses. While dogs are great companions, one thing I have come to learn is that dog owners rarely know about the potential liability they are exposed to because of their animals.

How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case
The world continues to become increasingly digital with more and more people having an online life, particularly when it comes to social media. Countless commentators discuss the benefits and downsides of social media and that is no different in the legal world. This post will explain how social media can affect an accident case and how I have seen social media used in litigation.

How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take?
Accident victims are often unfamiliar with the personal injury litigation process. Most people hurt by the negligence of others have never been through any type of court proceedings. One of the most common questions I am asked is how long will the case take? Unfortunately, the answer is, it depends. Personal injury cases can go very quickly or may drag out for years. This blog post is an attempt to provide guidance to those injured in an accident and hopefully answer some common questions about what causes delay in personal injury litigation.

Dealing With Permanent Disabilities After An Accident
Some accidents are worse than others. Tragically, some accidents result in permanent injuries that an accident victim will have to deal with for the rest of their lives. This blog post will provide information and considerations for someone injured who will suffer from injuries for the rest of their lives.

What To Do When Friends Or Family Members Ask For Legal Advice
Without a doubt, at some point in a legal career attorneys will be asked by friends and family for legal advice, and they will probably want the advice for free. This puts an attorney in an awkward position. Of course, an attorney wants to help loved ones, but can the attorney dedicate the time and attention to the legal questions? Can the attorney afford to do it for free? This blog will lay out some of the considerations an attorney has to make and hopefully it will explain to family and friends who are not given advice an explanation of why an attorney might not be able to help. This post is in no way comprehensive, but only seeks to provide some relevant issues to consider.

What Is Premises Liability and How Does It Affect Landlords?
There are seemingly countless issues relating to landlord-tenant relationships. When can a landlord evict a tenant? When does a landlord have to fix broken items in the property? Can a tenant have pets? When can a landlord increase rent? One important issue that is usually not considered until something goes wrong is what is a landlord’s liability to a tenant who is injured on the property? This blog seeks to lay out the basic analysis for this question.

What is Mediation in an Arizona Personal Injury Case?
According to Webster, Mediation is an “intervention between conflicting parties to promote reconciliation, settlement, or compromise.” (sub-section a). Put another way, mediation is where parties come together with a third party to try and resolve a dispute. In Arizona, mediation is used in personal injury cases (also known as accident cases), to resolve conflicts between the injured party (the “Plaintiff”) and the insurance company representing the person that caused the injury (the “Defendant”). This post seeks to explain the benefits and negative sides of mediation to give those who have been injured an understanding of what to expect.

Can I Do My Personal Injury Case Myself?
The short answer is yes, but the more relevant question is should you? This article will explain the basics of the legal process to allow you to evaluate if you can/should proceed with personal injury litigation yourself. Please note, this is just an overview and there is additional nuance outside the scope of this post.